Edgar Allen Poe
When I was young, obviously I didn't know about all the writers that exist. I knew about J.K. Rowling, and I didn’t listen much in history so I assumed King Tut was also a writer. I now know that to not be his most remarkable historical feature. Anyway, this is how I learned about Edgar Allen Poe.
My godfather, (godparents are VERY important in Argentine culture btw) got me this book of Edgar Allen Poe stories and poems. So naturally I assumed he was a writer also from Argentina, as I was a 3rd grader. I loved this book so much and I kept it with me all the time. I told all my friends about this amazing writer who wrote such dark things but in the coolest ways who was from Argentina and wrote in Spanish and I loved him!
My teacher heard me one day and said that I was not allowed to spread lies to my friends. I was very upset. I did not believe myself to be a liar, I just wanted everyone to know how cool these stories were!
My mom then had to explain to me that things can be translated frmo their original language. News to me, also shocking. Not sure if I ever recovered. Anyway, Edgar Allen Poe is not from Argentina. Just so we’re clear.