Sharing is Caring
I don’t like to share. My mom always said that my favorite years of life were the 4 years before my sister was born because I’ve never like people in my things. Since, I have learned to share toys and things I suppose. But not my writing. That is still just mine.
I’ve never really been in a writing group or had to share anywhere other than a required classroom setting. I have not really pursued it either. I haven’t because I don’t like to share. Most of the writing that I do, I do for myself. I write to get what is inside of me, out. I write because if I don’t it would build up and I’m pretty sure that’s unhealthy, so. But those thoughts and emotions are not something that I would want other to be reading. I suppose I am more okay with sharing when I know from moment one of my writing process that others will be seeing it. I write differently, less vulnerable if I can. I don’t share the deep emotions that I experience when I’m alone when I am writing a close reading paper for my Literature class. I don’t because it probably doesn't pertain to the topic; but even if it did connect somehow, that isn’t someething I would share.
Who knows maybe I’m supposed to open up, maybe not, oh well.